Case Study 1
October 3, 2017 4:18 pm Leave your thoughtsThe Design Process
The Client
Umail is a Direct Mail Marketing Service which delivers data, printing and mailing services. Their professional team can provide database cleansing, barcoding and database sales, envelope overprinting, folding and insertion along with plastic wrapping, UMS bookings and everything to do with Australia Post Lodgements. Umail is owned and run by Peter Sturmer.
The Design Brief
Peter came in store to discuss his requirements for a new logo and business card design. The brief was fairly simple. Peter wanted a simple, clean eye-catching logo using a red, black and white colour scheme, possibly incorporating a graphic element as well as typography.
Peter supplied a line drawing of an envelope graphic that he had used on previous marketing material and indicated that he would like to retain this as an element of the business card design, as well as incorporating a QR Code on the front, but other than that the design of the card was really up to our designer and what she thought would look great.
Logo Design
Kerry began by setting the text in a number of different fonts and then eliminating those that didn’t quite work and those that didn’t really quite have the impact that she was after. Kerry chose a font that was bold and striking, and we think the success of the logo is really due to this.
Kerry also decided to alter the original font slightly by incorporating a simple envelope shape into the design – an open envelope shape altering the original shape of the U and a closed envelope shape dotting the I. These design elements lift the design while still keeping it clean and simple. Kerry used blocks of red and black to colour the logo and incorporated the tagline to finish it off.
Business Card Design
The design of the business card was also kept clean and simple. Black text with red highlights were used on the front. The QR Code was tucked away in the corner, with the logo being the main focus. The background was kept white creating bold contrast by then using a solid red on the reverse with a reversed out logo. The envelope graphic Peter had used on his old business card needed updating, so our designer used a simple envelope outline (echoing the shapes used in the logo) which extended to the corners of the card, essentially turning the back of the card into the back of an envelope. Kerry added a drop shadow under the “flap” to give it a bit of lift, and added the required information about the services Umail offers. Information was kept to a minimum and not too large, so as not to overtake the design. Once printed a gloss celloglaze was applied to the card to give it that professional finish.